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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm (GMT +1)

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Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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+44 1234 567 890

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Ski repair and ski service with Sport Mitterer in Leogang


Ski service at Sport Mitterer's service center in Leogang

A place for experts. In our service center for skis, snowboards or ski boots our experts work on every pair personally and individually. There is one more expert, which is responsible for sensational service-results, our Diamond by Montana. This is a highly modern precision service machine, which enables us to grind the edges of 50 pairs of skis per hour.


With modern, computer-based tuning machines by Montana, your skis and snowboards are ground, waxed and checked on availability for use. Skiing fun on all sorts of snow is guaranteed by special base-structures, which are ground into the base of your skis. Our experts have a certain sense in their finger tips, when it comes to the perfect set-up and adjustment of the tuning machine. With a detailed set-up we can guarantee perfect grip on icy slopes and hard snow. Let us tune your skiing equipment for unforgettable days in the Skicircus Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn.


By a ski tuning at Sport Mitterer in Leogang


When you ski on icy, demanding and steep slopes or in the backcountry - get a better ride


Skis, which offer easy rotation, are more fun, especially at the beginning of your ski career


With your skis, on the slopes, in the backcoiuntry, during your ski holiday - that's what really matters

Ski service prices

Preise Skiservice 2023/2024

Ski service for you?

Come and visit us in our sport shop at Sport Mitterer and make use of our ski- and snowboard service. You can reach us easily per phone: 0043 (0)6583 8642 or send us an email: