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Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Customize and fit your ski boots individually at Sport Mitterer Leogang


Your ski boots - individual boot fitting for you and your feet at Sport Mitterer Leogang

You've waited for this moment quite a while. These first turns in untouched powder should be the perfect moment. For you, these turns were painful and the best time of the day will be the moment, you'll get out of these boots. Sounds like, you did not get the right ski boots for your feet; or at least, they do not fit perfectly. Time to see our boot doctors, if your ski boots fit perfectly, your powder turns ARE the best time of your day.


Fits perfectly. Your own ski boot, individually adjusted and personalized for you and your feet.

Modern technique

Technique 100% up to date and our boot doctors care for you and your individual wants.

Perfect fitting

No pressure, not blisters - fitting & customization for fun & joy at the slopes or in the backcountry


Their names are Stefan and Andi and their job is the prevention of pressure, blisters and pain for you and your feet. Our ski-boot-enthusiasts will not give up, until they've found the perfect ski boot for every customer. No challenge is too big and no situation is too complex for the two ski bootfitting- and boot customization experts at Sport Mitterer.


Vacuum fit, thermo fit, grinding, widening, individual fitting of the ski boots - that's what our boot doctors are here for. They know every single trick and make use of the most high end techniques. If there are new techniques on the market, the boot doctors know how to do it, they will find out about details and hints. Therefore we can guarantee that Sport Mitterer and our expert service station is the best place for your and your feet 


You are interested in a certain ski boot model in our shop? You have to test it, before we sell the boot to you. This is not an extra service, we do insist that you use it. You won't regret it, trust us. Only if you've tested your future ski boot, we can work on your individual adjustment and customization. We can adjust and avoid problems and will find the best fit for your new pair of ski boots.

Ski boot brands & partners

Interested in bootfitting?

Our experts are there for you. Visit us in the Sport Mitterer shop and enjoy pure winter sport competence. If you have any questions, give us a call at: 0043 (0)6583 8642 or send us an email: