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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec.

Imprint Sport Mitterer GmbH Leogang


Responsible for this content

Sport Mitterer GmbH
Hütten 39
A-5771 Leogang
Tel. +43 (0) 6583 8642
Tel. +43 (0) 6583 8218 Privat u. Büro
Firmenbuch Nr.: 2368966b
ATU-Nr.: 57165445
Bankverbindung: Raiffeisenbank Leogang - BLZ: 35031, KTN: 19133 lautend auf Sport Mitterer GmbH, IBAN: AT02 3503 1000 0001 9133, SWIFT BIC: RVSAAT25031

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Website concept, content, text

Netz-&-Werk | by Stephan Obenaus

Pictures, illustrations, textes:

  • Owned by the Sport Mitterer GmbH
  • Pictures from the tourism region Saalbach Hinterglemm
  • Pictures from the tourism region Saalfelden Leogang

Verwendung von Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer, to analyze the use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other with website and internet related services. Google may also transfer this information to third parties unless required by law, or where such third parties process these data on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, we point out that in this case you may not be able to use all features of this website. By using this website you agree to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described and for the aforementioned purpose. You can the data collection by Google Analytics disagree with effect for the future by installing a deactivation add-on ( for your browser.

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This website uses social plugins (“plugins”) from the social network which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). The plugins are identified by one of the Facebook logos (white “f” on blue tile or a “thumbs-up” sign) or the description “Facebook Social Plugin”. The list and the look of the Facebook social plugins can be viewed here:

If you visit a page of our website that features a plugin of this kind, your browser sets up a direct link to the Facebook servers. Facebook sends the content of the plugin directly to your browser which integrates it into the website. This means that we have no influence on the extent of the data that Facebook obtains with the help of this plugin and therefore, we inform you according to our information status:

Through integration of the plugin, Facebook obtains the information that you have visited the respective page of our website. If you are logged into Facebook, Facebook can allocate the visit to your Facebook account. If you interact with the plugin by using the “Like” button, for example, or by posting a comment, the information will be sent directly to Facebook by your browser and stored there. If you are not a Facebook member, there is still the possibility that Facebook finds out and stores your IP address.

For information on the purpose and extent of data collection and the further processing and use of data by Facebook as well your rights in this regard and turn-off options for the protection of your personal privacy, please refer to the Facebook data protection information:

If you are a Facebook member and do not want Facebook to collect data about you via our internet website and link it to your data stored on Facebook, you need to log out from Facebook before visiting our website.

In addition, it is possible to block Facebook social plugins from your browser by using add-ons, such as “Facebook Blocker”.

Use of Google +1 Button

Our website uses the "+1" button of the Google Plus social network operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States ("Google"). The button can be identified by the "+1" sign on a white or colored background.

When you visit a web page that contains such a button, your browser will establish a direct link to the Google servers. The content of the "+1" button will be sent directly to your browser by Google and linked to it by the website. We therefore have no influence on the amount of data that Google collects with the button, but assumes that your IP address is recorded.

The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Google, as well as your rights and settings for the protection of your privacy, can be found in Google's Privacy Notice on the "+1" button: /en/+/policy/+1button.html

If you are a Google Plus member and you do not want Google to collect information about you through our Internet presence and link it to your member data stored on Google, you must log out before you visit our website at Google Plus.

Use the Twitter Tweet button

Our Internet site uses the "Tweet" button on the social network Twitter, which is operated by Twitter Inc., 750 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, United States. The button is recognizable on the dark blue bird and the word "Tweet" on light blue background.

When you visit a web page that contains such a button, your browser connects directly to the Twitter servers. The content of the "Tweet" button is sent by Twitter directly to your browser and integrated into it by your Twitter message. We do not, therefore, have any influence on the amount of data that Twitter posts with the button, but assumes that your IP address is recorded.

The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Twitter, as well as your rights and settings for the protection of your privacy, please refer to the Twitters Privacy Policy: http: //

If you are a Twitter member and you do not want Twitter to collect data about you through our Internet presence and link it to your member data stored on Twitter, you must log out before you visit our Internet site at Twitter.

Cookie Policy

What is a cookie and why are these used?

For the best possible use and presentation of the website, so-called cookies are used in the course of the use. Cookies are small data packets that are sent to the visitor's browser when they visit a website and are stored there. This information can be sent back to the web server every time you visit the website.

Cookies are used to store personal page settings since web pages do not have their own data storage. They can also be used to identify users and record their usage behavior. Cookies fulfill a wide range of purposes and are therefore differentiated according to function, lifetime and source. For example, there are temporary and persistent cookies. Temporary cookies are either deleted automatically after a time defined in the cookie or after the end of the browser session. Permanent cookies are permanently stored in the browser.

Delete and block cookies

All current web browsers offer functions to prevent the general saving of cookies, or to store third-party cookies (e.g., advertising partners), and to delete cookies at any time. Information and instructions for managing cookies are available on the following links from browser manufacturers:

Internet Explorer version 7-   Internet Explorer cookies
Google Chrome   -   Google Chrome cookies
Mozilla Firefox -   Mozilla Firefox Cookies
Opera -   Opera cookies
Apple Safari -   Apple Safari Cookies

Please note that blocking cookies may restrict the use of the website.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies (including Google) are also used to switch ads based on previous visits of a user to the website. No personal information such as names, e-mail addresses, postal addresses or telephone numbers are collected by these advertising partners. Users of the website may disable the use of cookies by Google by visiting the Google Custom Search site on sites outside of Google, and disabling it there. In addition, users can use the