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Bike holidays in the bike region Saalfelden Leogang


Mountainbike- & outdoor sports and much to experience in Leogang

Grey rocks, green forests, smooth grass mountains - that's how the holiday region Leogang is presented. It can offer much more though. Leogang is embedded in the beautiful landscape of the Pinzgau grass mountains, the Leogang Stone mountains and the "Sea of Rocks". There you'll find an alpine adventure world, which won't leave any wishes left open.

Excitement for the entire family

Excitement park for the "senses", Leo's water world, herbs- & path of alpine plants, flying fox - where do you start?

Mountainbike region Leogang

The bike park Leogang is the center. The bike circus Saalbach Hinterglemm on the other side of the mountains - never ending trails

Alpine sport and relaxation

After mountain- & hiking sport in the stone mountains, there comes the time for enjoying regional food, relaxation and "deceleration"


"Excitement" is the buzz word. There is much to do in the region of Leogang. That's how we all know it from winter and this is the case in summer too. After the breakfast you go to the mountains and experience with all senses. Take a rest in an alpine hut, cool down in Leo's water world. Learn about tradition on the herbs- & alpine plants path. You'll feel the adrenaline on the flying fox.

If your holiday in the Leogang region get's hot, we know about the right cooling down. Time to visit the Ritzen lake, the Piller lake, the nearby lake Zell or the public pool in Leogang. The Ritzen lake is small an quite. Water sport fans love the lake Zell. The public pool in Leogang is just around the corner - you do not even take the car.


That's what the Leogangers are. In the year 2004 Leogang was very innovative and opened Austria's first bike park. The Bikepark Leogang attracts many thousands of mountainbikers from all over the world every year. Not just downhill tracks, Leogang offers freeride lines, enduro trails, single trails, mountainbike- & cycling paths. Everybody can find the right challenge for him or her.

The Big-5-Challenge takes you to every trail of the region. One ticket, 5 mountains, 5 cable cars, all sorts of kilometers, vertical meters and single trails. There was a time, when it was called 5-gondola-tour. The concept is not new and today, it is the enduro-highlight of the Salzburger Land mountainbike region. For some ascents, you will take the cable cars, but you'll still have to climb a few hills as well, if you want to reach the best trails and lines of the region.


Come to the bike- & holiday region Leogang

Check the website of the bike- & holiday region Leogang for more details. You can also ask us, if you need more infos & details. Give us a call at: 0043 (0)6583 8642 or send us an email: